Associates repeatedly fail their tests on these avoidable mistakes.
Do not break the law. Study the highway code so you know exactly what you can and can't do e.g. when filtering past a queue of cars waiting at traffic lights on zig-zag road warning marks, where are you allowed to pull in? In front of the lead car or in front of car 2? Get it wrong and it's a fail.
Don't break the speed limit.
Traffic lights - take your commuting head off and go on green, not amber. Red means stop, amber means stop, green means go.
Do not cross a solid white lane marker, unless you are permitted to do so. Do you know when the Highway Code allows you to do this?
Stop at a stop sign. Show the examiner you've stopped by putting one foot down. Do not break the solid white line with your front wheel.
Don't cut mini roundabouts or cut the corner turning right into a junction.
When in doubt, play it safe. Trust the SYSTEM (IPSGA) and you'll do great!